
Wednesday 14 December 2016

Monday 12 December 2016


This is my Can-Do. It is called Pentominoes. In this Maths Game, I had to put all the jigsaws together in the white square. Doing this was very easy for me.

Aviator Template

This is my Aviator template. My work today was to choose two Aviators, and write things about how the two Aviators are the same. I worked with my partner Magenta.

Friday 11 November 2016

Tables Conga (Can Do)

This is Tables Conga. It is may can do. I found it easy. I will try to be more quick to get the numbers next time

Structure Language Features

This is my writing work. It is Structure Language Features. We had to make a drawing and write about Language Features. I found this work easy.

LI: To learn the structure and language features of a explanation text.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Can do: Tables Conga

This is my can do. It is tables Conga. I got a little help from Joel, and I found the Can do easy

Maths Can Do

This is my Maths Can do. I was practicing my Subtraction, Additions, and other things. I worked with Joel. I think this task is easy, and I also need to improve on knowing the answers straight away instead of counting.

Thursday 20 October 2016

My Narrative

LI: To write narrative paragraphs using Topic sentence, Events explained, Ending sentence.

This is my narrative. In this task I wrote a short narrative and added a image. I found writing a short narrative a bit hard though. But I shortened it. I found deciding what to write easy.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Emoticon Story

This is my Emoticon Story work. We read a text called "Oops!" I was buddy's with Magenta and we had to search up emoji faces (to match our character). My character was a young man.
LI: to infer information about characters in a text.

Friday 14 October 2016

Inferring and Understanding

This is my reading work on inferring and understanding. I had a little help from Magenta and we both found the work easy. The LI is: To learn what inferring is.

Two Times Tables

LI: To identify multiplication word problems and solve using times tables. 
This is my maths must do. I found it easy because I am use to doing 2 times tables

My Narrative

This is my narrative. I found this work easy but next time, I need to make my narrative shorter. My LI is: to write narrative paragraphs using Topic sentence, Details, Concluding sentence.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Addition Word Problems

 This is my maths work on Study ladder. I have been learning my additions. I found this easy, but I answered the questions a little slow. I think next time I need to improve answering the questions faster.

Friday 16 September 2016

Reading DLO, The Robbers Mask

This is my reading DLO, on The Robber's Mask. I worked with my partner Magneta. My Reading LI is: To find the most important (main) indea in the text. 

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Can Do, Tables Conga

Today, I have done a Can Do. I played Tables Conga. In this Can Do, I need to get all the numbers by counting in 2s. It was really easy for me but I got killed by 1 of the viruses. I think I should do better next time playing this game 

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Procedural Text Planning Frame By Rachel and Joel

Today I did my writing. I had to work with my partner, Joel. Te kla Maui (my writing group) had to make a Text Planning Frame, and watch a video about, How to make a Poi. Then we had to write things about the video down on the frame. We wrote down all the materials, the steps, and finally we added a image of someone making a poi. I think doing all this work with my partner a little hard, but we managed to get things done in a few minutes.

Friday 9 September 2016

To Find Verbs In a Procedural Text

This is my writing must do. I made a google drawing and wrote about what I did with my writing group. I also put on the images for the texts. At the right hand side bottom box, I gave an example of what I did.

LI: To understand the role of verbs in the procedural text.

Car Park Puzzle

Today I have done a Can Do. It is called Car Park Puzzle. I have got a trophy on completing this game.

Friday 2 September 2016

2 Digit Addition

Today I have been finishing my maths. My maths group had to go on Studyladder and practice our 2 digits. I found the questions a little hard, and I think I will need to improve answering them a little faster next time.

Thursday 1 September 2016

How To Play Marbles

Today were doing our writing work. My writing group had to draw 2 simple pictures by following the teacher's instructions. Then we had to do off and do something else. I had to do my work in my book. Then I took a screenshot. Above you can see my photo. 

Tuesday 30 August 2016


Today, we had to do our inquiry work. I had to work with my buddys, Calvin and Sylis. I made a poster about the 4 walls: Taha Walrua, taha Tinana, Taha whana,Taha hinengaro

Monday 29 August 2016


For our reading work group Ruapehu had to read a text about Comets. Then we each made a google drawing and had to write about what we were doing. I found this a little hard but I had some help from my partner Magenta.

Friday 26 August 2016

My Poetry

Today I have finished my poetry slides. I had to take screenshots of my poetry work that I had done in my book and then put them on my slides. I wrote what I had done and explained my poetry.

Monday 22 August 2016

Super Remote Helicopter!

Today I have finished my Writing Must Do. I had to make a poster using Google Drawing. Then I added a image and had to write some things like, This is the most greatest toy, BUY NOW! My image is of a toy helicopter. I found this whole thing very hard to do because I couldn't really think about what to write

Friday 19 August 2016

Place Value 100 - rods

LI: To identify numbers by groups of tens & ones.
I think this activity was a bit easy because I had some help from my friend Avalon. She had to help me to do this work because I wasn't here the day my maths group did this. I found counting all the numbers at once a bit hard. But when I was counting them bit by bit it was a little more easy. Above, you will see the image that I took when I did this activity. The thing that I have been learning to do is to identify numbers by groups of tens & ones. I think I did well, but I still need to improve next time on counting the ones with the tens a little more quickly

Monday 15 August 2016

Reading DLO

Today I have been doing my reading work with my reading group: Group Ruapehu. This is my reading DLO. My reading group had to read a text and then explain it to the teacher

Thursday 28 July 2016

Number Bonds 10

Today I have been playing a maths game called Number Bonds 10. In this game we need to shoot a number to make ten. My examples are like, 5 + 5 or 2 + 8. Each time we shoot a ball the line will go shorter we need to shoot all the balls before they fall into the hole.

LI: Making 10s

Friday 17 June 2016

Last week, the tamaki maths group did "skip counting" in twos. We needed to be in a group of three or just have a partner. I was in a group of three with my friends Avalon and Fui.  One of my class teachers Mr Wong, gave us a bunch of sticks and we had to count them in two's.
(My photo is above)

Monday 30 May 2016

Today I have done one of my set tasks on study ladder. It is called: "Diwali" I have got six out of ten answers right.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Th Sitting Circle

Today Mrs Addison spoke to everyone about Trust and Collaboration. We did a activity called, The Siting Circle. We had to make a circle and when Mrs Addison said, "Sit", everyone would sit down on each others knees. A few people fell over,but it was still fun!

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Today I played number stones with my friends: Riley Fui and Vahoi. Vahoi was the caller,while me,Riley,and Fui played. We had to answer maths questions. If we got them correct we could get a counter and block someone. If the person is trapped,you could take their counter away.

Thursday 14 April 2016

This week me and my science group have been doing a science experiment. It is called the Mentos And Soda Experiment. I have learnt from this experiment that when you put more mentos in soda more C02 bubbles come out.

Mentos And Soda Experiment

Today I have finished my science experiment. It is called the :Mentos and soda experiment.

Friday 8 April 2016

Spin Sum

This is my blog post of my Spin Sum. I had to arrange the numbers so that they were all equal.

Free Rice

Today I have done my maths. I did my Free Rice and my total was 150.

Friday 19 February 2016

This is my post on:How To Be A Successful Learner At School

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Learning Space One's Birthdays

The month that was celebrated the most was April.

The month that was celebrated the least was December.

November,July and March had the same number of birthday celebrated in.Each month was celebrated three times.

January and October had the same amount of birthdays.

August and June was celebrated seven times.

Today I Have Been Learning about Months and Numbers and Birthdays.