
Thursday, 20 October 2016

My Narrative

LI: To write narrative paragraphs using Topic sentence, Events explained, Ending sentence.

This is my narrative. In this task I wrote a short narrative and added a image. I found writing a short narrative a bit hard though. But I shortened it. I found deciding what to write easy.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Emoticon Story

This is my Emoticon Story work. We read a text called "Oops!" I was buddy's with Magenta and we had to search up emoji faces (to match our character). My character was a young man.
LI: to infer information about characters in a text.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Inferring and Understanding

This is my reading work on inferring and understanding. I had a little help from Magenta and we both found the work easy. The LI is: To learn what inferring is.

Two Times Tables

LI: To identify multiplication word problems and solve using times tables. 
This is my maths must do. I found it easy because I am use to doing 2 times tables

My Narrative

This is my narrative. I found this work easy but next time, I need to make my narrative shorter. My LI is: to write narrative paragraphs using Topic sentence, Details, Concluding sentence.